NAD+ and Collagen for skin health and cell reproduction


As a nurse with a passion for wellness and skin health, I’m often asked about the best supplements for maintaining youthful skin and supporting cell reproduction. Two of the most popular options that frequently come up in conversations are NAD+ and collagen supplements. These two compounds play vital roles in our bodies, but they address different aspects of skin health and cell reproduction.

Before we delve into the differences, let’s first understand what NAD+ and collagen are.

NAD+ (Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide):  Administered NMN (Nicotinamide mononucleotide) is quickly broken down into NAD+ which is a coenzyme found in all living cells. It plays a crucial role in cellular processes, particularly energy production and DNA repair. As we age, our NAD+ levels naturally decline, which can lead to a range of age related health issues, including reduced skin quality and decreased cellular function.

Collagen:  Collagen is the most abundant protein in our bodies and serves as a structural component in our skin, bones, tendons, and more. It is responsible for providing elasticity, strength, and firmness to the skin. As we age, collagen production diminishes, resulting in the formation of wrinkles, fine lines, and sagging skin.

There are different Types of collagen ranging from Type I to V and Type IV is the one required to benefit the skin.

NAD+ has gained considerable attention in recent years for its potential in rejuvenating both skin and cellular functions. Here’s how it can benefit you.

Skin Health:  NAD+ supports skin health by promoting DNA repair and reducing oxidative stress. This can result in improved skin quality, reduced inflammation, and a more youthful appearance. It’s like a repair crew for your skin, fixing the damage caused by UV rays, pollution, and the natural aging process.

Cellular Reproduction: NAD+ is essential for cellular functions, including DNA replication and the repair of damaged DNA. When your cells have an ample supply of NAD+, they can reproduce more effectively and maintain their integrity. This not only helps your skin but contributes to overall health and vitality.

Energy Production: NAD+ is a critical component in the process of energy production within cells. Having sufficient NAD+ levels can boost your cellular metabolism, giving you more energy and vitality.

The most popular way to take NAD+ is by oral supplement.

Collagen Supplements for Skin Health and Cell Reproduction.

Collagen, on the other hand, is directly related to the structure and firmness of your skin. Let’s look at how collagen supplements can impact your skin health and cell reproduction:

Skin Health: Collagen is like the scaffolding of your skin. By taking collagen supplements, you’re providing your body with the necessary building blocks to maintain skin elasticity, hydration, and firmness. Over time, this can lead to a reduction in the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

Cellular Reproduction: Collagen indirectly supports cell reproduction by promoting the health of skin, which is our body’s largest organ. Healthy skin provides a suitable environment for cells to thrive and reproduce. Additionally, collagen may help with tissue repair and wound healing.

Collagen can be sourced from an abundance of foods however marine collagen is found in most supplements.

Now that we’ve explored the benefits of NAD+ and collagen supplements, let’s discuss the key differences between the two.

Mechanism of Action: NAD+ primarily acts at the cellular level by enhancing DNA repair and energy production, which indirectly supports skin health. Collagen, on the other hand, directly affects the skin’s structure and firmness.

Targeted Concerns:  NAD+ addresses cellular function and overall vitality, making it a more holistic supplement for various aspects of health. Collagen, while beneficial for skin health, is more narrowly focused on maintaining the skin’s structure and appearance.

Age-Related Benefits:  NAD+ is closely linked to age-related health concerns and offers broad anti-aging benefits. Collagen, while also important, specifically targets visible signs of aging in the skin.

Synergy: NAD+ and collagen supplements can work well together. NAD+ can improve cellular health and support collagen production, while collagen ensures the structural integrity of your skin.

Oral supplements can be found online but make sure you use an authorised retailer.

Choosing the Right Supplement

The choice between NAD+ and collagen supplements depends on your specific health and beauty goals. If you’re looking for a more comprehensive approach to aging and overall health, NAD+ may be the better choice. It can enhance your cellular functions, improve skin health, and provide you with more energy.

On the other hand, if your primary concern is enhancing the appearance and texture of your skin, collagen supplements may be the way to go. They can help reduce the visible signs of aging by maintaining the structural integrity of your skin.

Can you take both?

Yes, you can certainly take both NAD+ and collagen supplements simultaneously. In fact, many individuals choose to combine different supplements to address a variety of health and beauty goals. Taking both NAD+ and collagen supplements together can offer a more comprehensive approach to promoting skin health and supporting cell reproduction.

Are there any side effects?

NAD+ and collagen supplements are generally considered safe when taken as directed. However, as with any supplement or medication, there is a potential for side effects, especially if taken in excessive amounts or if you have underlying health conditions. Here are some considerations regarding possible side effects for both NAD+ and collagen supplements:

NAD+ Supplements

Flushed Skin: Some individuals may experience skin flushing, a warm sensation, or redness in the face and neck when taking high doses of NAD+ supplements. This is usually temporary and harmless.

Gastrointestinal Distress: NAD+ supplements, particularly in high doses, may cause digestive issues like nausea, diarrhea, or stomach discomfort in some individuals.

Interactions: NAD+ supplements can interact with certain medications and medical conditions. If you’re taking any medications or have pre-existing health issues, consult with a healthcare professional before starting NAD+ supplementation.

Collagen Supplements

Allergic Reactions: While rare, some people may be allergic to collagen supplements and could experience allergic reactions, such as hives, itching, or swelling. If you have a known allergy to collagen sources like fish or shellfish, be cautious.

Digestive Upset: Collagen supplements can sometimes lead to gastrointestinal issues like bloating, diarrhea, or an upset stomach in some individuals, especially when taken in high doses.

Risk of Heavy Metal Contamination: Collagen supplements derived from marine sources, such as fish or shellfish, may carry a risk of heavy metal contamination. Ensure you choose reputable brands that rigorously test their products for purity.

Caloric Content: Some collagen supplements contain calories, so if you’re watching your caloric intake, be mindful of this.

Digested supplements have a long process to go through in the body to reach the skin.

How much of the supplement actually reaches the skin?

The amount of NAD+ or collagen supplement that actually reaches the skin can vary significantly depending on several factors, including the type of supplement, its formulation, how it’s absorbed in the body, and individual differences in metabolism. Let’s take a closer look at these factors:

Bioavailability: Bioavailability refers to the proportion of a supplement that is absorbed into the bloodstream and made available for the body to use. The bioavailability of NAD+ and collagen supplements can vary depending on the specific product and how it is formulated. Some supplements may have higher bioavailability than others, meaning more of the active ingredient can be utilised by the body.

Route of Administration: The way you take the supplement can impact how much reaches the skin. Supplements taken orally (in pill or powder form) must pass through the digestive system, which can affect their bioavailability. In contrast, topical creams or serums are applied directly to the skin and may have more direct effects.

Metabolism: Individual differences in metabolism play a significant role. Some people may metabolise supplements more efficiently, while others may experience slower or less effective metabolism. Age, genetics, and overall health can influence this aspect.

Dosage and Concentration: The dosage and concentration of the active ingredients in the supplement can influence their effectiveness. Higher doses or more concentrated formulations may have a greater impact, but they may also carry a higher risk of side effects.

Duration of Use: The duration for which you use the supplement can also affect its impact on the skin. Long-term use may lead to more noticeable effects compared to short-term use.

Combination with other Products: The use of NAD+ or collagen supplements may be part of a broader skincare and wellness routine. Combining these supplements with other skincare products or treatments can also impact their effectiveness on the skin.

Intravenous (IV) NAD+ Therapy: Intravenous NAD+ therapy involves the administration of NAD+ directly into your bloodstream through an IV drip. This method allows for rapid and efficient absorption, ensuring that a high concentration of NAD+ reaches your cells and tissues.

If you want gain a more potent effect then IV therapy would be more advantageous but also more costly.

If you’re looking to maximise the benefits of these supplements for your skin, consider a combination of oral and topical approaches. For example, you might take NAD+ supplements orally for cellular support and apply collagen containing creams or serums topically to directly target the skin’s appearance.   Remember that individual results may vary, and it’s essential to be patient and consistent with your routine.

It’s important to note that the skin is the body’s largest organ, and it is constantly renewing itself. Therefore, changes and improvements in skin health and appearance may take time and may not be solely attributed to the supplements.

Ultimately, the effectiveness of NAD+ and collagen supplements in improving the health and appearance of your skin will depend on the factors mentioned above and how well these products are integrated into your overall skincare and wellness regimen.

Remember that supplements should complement a well-balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle. There’s no one size fits all answer, so it’s crucial to consult with a healthcare professional before adding any new supplements to your regimen. They can help you determine which supplement, or combination of supplements, is best suited to your unique needs.  A great video to watch by Dr Nichola Conlon on her NAD+  research can be found here

NAD+ supports cellular function and overall vitality, while collagen directly impacts the structure and appearance of your skin. Both can play a role in promoting healthy skin and cell reproduction, but the key is to find the right balance that suits your individual needs. Ultimately, a holistic approach that incorporates a healthy lifestyle, balanced diet, and personalised supplement regimen is the key to achieving your skin health and cell reproduction goals.

The choice between NAD+ and collagen supplements depends on your specific health and wellness goals and these can be discussed with Nurse Emily at either Atanga Aesthetics in Wimbledon or South Kensington Clinics.